In Mexico they celebrate Independence Day (Día de la Independencia) with fireworks, parties (fiesta), food, dance, and music on September 16. Flags, flowers, and decorations in colors of Mexican flag can be seen in public areas in cities and towns. The traditional food they eat in this holiday is chiles en nogada, which is meal made from stuffed poblano peppers doused in a walnut sauce.

Bandera de México

Mexico Flag from flicker






In Australia they celebrate Christmas in middle of the summer. People often spend Christmas day family members and close friends. Christmas is holiday to celebrate the birth of Jesus but many people are not christian. To Australian Christmas is a time to give and receive gifts. Many people will decorate their homes with Christmas decorations. Many people eat a special meal on Christmas day. Traditionally the main meal is similar to the Christmas meals served in Europe.

Image result for australia christmas Australia Christmas from expatbag


The other name for new years’s day in Japan is Shōgatsu which is the biggest holiday in Japan. The first three days of the new year are important. Family get together to celebrate the new year when children receive a money gift called Otoshidama. People eat traditional new year dishes called Osechi. The Osechi is made of 8 dishes typically, such as sweet rolled omellette,broiled fish cake, herring roe, black soy beans, pickled daikon radish and carrots, a soup of mochi, dried sardines cooked in soy souce, and cooked vegetables.  Each of the dishes has a good fortune so that people eat them at the first day of the year to pray their good days through the year.

Image result for japanese new year day Osechi in Pinterest

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